NiQuitinwith you
NiQuitin has a range of products that suit the different habits, needs and
forms of nicotine addiction, giving you the tools to try to give up smoking, in a
way that suits you.
NiQuitin: your partner in trying quitting smoking
We know that the journey of trying to stop smoking or reduce your nicotine habit is one of the most
difficult things you will ever do, and willpower alone may not cut it when cutting down. With our clinically
proven products we’re behind you, and soon nicotine could be too.
How to start your journey towards a nicotine-free life?
An Unbeatable way to Quit Smoking by combining patch with minis or Lozenge**

NiQuitin® Minis Lozenges
- Starts to relieve smoking cravings in just 3 minutes*
- Use to stop smoking or to cut down how many cigarettes you smoke
- Effective on the go craving relief
- Handy pocket-sized container you can always keep with you
- Dissolves in the mouth in approximately 10 minutes

NiQuitin® Lozenges
- Effective craving relief that keeps working even after the lozenge is gone
- Available in 2mg and 4mg
- Available in mint flavour
- Use to cut down how many cigarettes you smoke, or as part of a 12-week step down program to help you to quit altogether