
Weight Gain and Loss After Quitting Smoking

The possibility of gaining weight after quitting smoking can be enough to put many off the process altogether. This doesn't need to be the case though, you can stop smoking without gaining weight. Here we explain how.

Staying on track

Quitting Smoking and Depression

we take a look at the causes of depression after quitting smoking, how to manage those symptoms, and a variety of coping techniques designed to help you push through that early discomfort and maintain your commitment to quitting smoking for good

Preparing to quit

Top Tools & Resources to Help You Quit Smoking this Stoptober

Giving up smoking is tough, doing it without support is even harder. There are plenty of tools and resources which can help you give up for good - and they do work! This Stoptober, we're giving you all the support and tools you need to quit.

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Paul quit smoking with NiQuitin
I can now enjoy a smoke free life with my family
Quitter stories
Kealey quit smoking with NiQuitin
I quit for myself and couldn’t be prouder
Quitter stories
Samantha quit smoking with NiQuitin
Since I quit smoking, I enjoy a healthier me
Quitter stories