
How Much Nicotine Is In A Cigarette?

Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, but why? Learn what is in a cigarette, how much nicotine there is, and how harmful cigarette ingredients impact your body.


Smoking and its Relationship with Anxiety

Our daily lives can be tough, but there are solutions for keeping feelings of anxiety at bay without relying on toxic habits such as smoking. Learn more about how smoking affects anxiety here.


Smoking and Mental Health: How Smoking Affects Your Brain & Body

The link between smoking and mental health has, for a long time, been debated. Thankfully, due to a greater understanding of how the chemicals in cigarette smoke interact with the brain, we can now understand how smoking impacts mental health.


Does smoking increase your blood pressure?

Smoking comes with many well-known risks. However, many smokers still wonder 'does smoking increase my blood pressure?' Here, we answer this and explain how.


Does smoking cause receding gums?

Receding gums is one of the first signs of gum disease and a smoker is twice as likely to suffer from it. Prevent gum disease by learning about this condition and quit smoking for good.


What Are the Dangers of Secondhand Smoking?

The dangers of passive smoking are well documented, and most smokers will already be aware that continuing to smoke has serious health implications for both themselves and those around them. Here, we explain exactly why second hand smoking is so dangerous.

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Samantha quit smoking with NiQuitin
Since I quit smoking, I enjoy a healthier me
Quitter stories
Kealey quit smoking with NiQuitin
I quit for myself and couldn’t be prouder
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Paul quit smoking with NiQuitin
I can now enjoy a smoke free life with my family
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How Much Nicotine Is In A Cigarette?

How Much Nicotine Is In A Cigarette?

You probably already know that smoking cigarettes has a significant impact on your body, but have you ever wondered what exactly is in a cigarette that makes it so bad for your health? On average, cigarettes contain b...

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