Here to Help

We’ve got all the support you need to help get you started.

We know it can seem a little overwhelming when you’re thinking about quitting smoking, that’s why we support you from the get-go with all the help, advice and products you need to succeed.

Preparing to quit

Does Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Learn about how smoking can cause hair loss and how giving up today can help you keep a full head of hair.

Preparing to quit

Does Smoking Stunt Growth?

Learn about how smoking affects growth and how quitting is the best thing you can do for you health.

Preparing to quit

Become a Clean Air Hero with the British Lung Foundation this Stoptober

Every year, 36,000 people die early as a result of dangerously high levels of air pollution. The British Lung Foundation and NiQuitin are calling for support from Clean Air Heroes like you, to take one step further to help protect the nation’s lung health.

Preparing to quit

21 Tips to Quit Smoking from NiQuitin

Quitting smoking is challenging, however, with these top tips you can beat your addiction and stay smoke free.


How to Quit Smoking Gradually

Everyone knows that quitting smoking can be tough, but your method of quitting can have a big impact on your success. Here, we explain the concept of quitting smoking gradually and how it may benefit you.

Preparing to quit

What Are the Health Risks of Being a Social Smoker?

Light, occasional smoking is generally considered to be better than heavy smoking. However, social smoking also has its dangers, find out more here.

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Paul quit smoking with NiQuitin
I can now enjoy a smoke free life with my family
Quitter stories
Kealey quit smoking with NiQuitin
I quit for myself and couldn’t be prouder
Quitter stories
Samantha quit smoking with NiQuitin
Since I quit smoking, I enjoy a healthier me
Quitter stories
How to Stop Smoking: Learn How to Quit Forever!

How to Stop Smoking: Learn How to Quit Forever!

Whether it’s your first attempt or you’ve quit smoking before and relapsed, there’s no escaping the fact that it can be a difficult thing to do. After all, your body has become accustomed to the nicotine, and your ...

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